The Doctoral Studies of the Department of Agricultural Development, Agri-Food and Natural Resources Management of the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens are organized and operate in accordance with the provisions of Law 4957/2022 and the general institutional framework, as applicable each time. The studies in question aim to promote original scientific research and lead to the acquisition of a Doctorate Degree, which certifies the preparation of original scientific research and the essential contribution of its holder to the development of knowledge in the respective scientific field.
Doctoral Studies
The Department of Agricultural Development, Agri-Food and Natural Resource Management supports doctoral research across the interdisciplinary scope of the department, and more specifically
- in the primary sector (eg Precision Agriculture, Sustainable Development, Climate Change, Conservation of Biodiversity),
- in the secondary sector (e.g. processing, standardization, packaging Viticulture, Dairy, Olive, Beekeeping products)
- in the tertiary sector (eg Investments, Certification, Marketing, Sustainable Entrepreneurship).

Those interested can submit an application to the Secretariat of the Department of Agricultural Development, Agri-Food and Natural Resources Management in three periods during each academic year and in particular on the following dates:
a) 20th of February till 1st of March
b) 20th of July till 1st of August and
c) 20th of October till 1st of November
Industrial PhD applications can be submitted throughout the academic year.