Career Prospects

Based on the acquired scientific knowledge and techniques skills , the graduates of the Department of Agricultural Development, Agri-Food and Natural Resources Management of the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, can staff the Private and Public sector in positions related to:

  •  Agricultural Development and Economy. Examples include the preparation of techno-economic studies, evaluation, planning, implementation and supervision of existing and new agricultural investments, the introduction of innovative solutions throughout the production process, the support of agricultural/sustainable digital equipment and agri-food products with significant export activity (Olive Oil, Feta, Wine etc.), compliance with EU regulations and the European Common Agricultural Policy (CAP).
  •  Food Science and Industry. Indicatively we mention the analysis, study, application and supervision of chemical, biochemical and molecular methods for food analysis, methods of authenticity, control and quality improvement, production, preservation and processing of food, as well as the utilization of their by-products based on the principles of the Circular Economy.
  •  Analysis of Environmental Impacts and impacts of Climate Change. Indicatively we mention the use of chemical, biochemical and molecular methods for the analysis of soil and water, impacts on biodiversity and the aquifer horizon and the use of Renewable Energy Sources, with an emphasis on agricultural holdings and food industries.

More specifically, graduates of the department have the ability to work:

In the Private sector: As Independent Professional consultants for Rural Development and investments, in industries and companies processing Agricultural products, in companies of the primary, secondary and tertiary agro-food sector with strong extroversion and innovation , in consulting companies in the field of precision agriculture, circular economy and grazing land management, in the certification of agricultural products, as well as in the implementation of programs in the framework of the Strategy for Smart Specialization in the agri-food sector.

Robotic in agriculture futuristic concept,Agriculture technology and Farm automation
Covid, lab mask and vaccine research man with medicine analysis test tube in medical facility. Deve.

In the Public sector: In various ministries and agencies, management authorities that develop and manage programs for rural development, innovation and new technologies. For example, the Organization for Payments and Control of Community Guidance and Guarantees (OPEKEPE), the Hellenic Agricultural Organization (ELGO) "DIMITRA", the Hellenic Agricultural Insurance Organization (ELGA .), the Welfare Benefits and Social Solidarity Organization (OPEKA), the Unified Food Control Agency (E.F.E.T.) as well as research centers of the public sector.

ased on the Undergraduate Study Program and the perspectives of the graduates of the Department of Agricultural Development, Agri-Food and Natural Resources Management, after a documented proposal, the Senate of the NKUA decided unanimously (meeting of 26/1/2023):

  • To propose to the Ministry of Education and Religious Affairs to grant the professional qualifications of the University Level "Food Science" and the University Level "Environmental Science" to the graduates of the Department.
  • To request from the Supreme Council for Civil Personnel Selection (ETHAAE) to grant a certificate of equivalence of the Department of Agricultural Development, Agri-Food and Natural Resources Management with the relevant Departments at National level.
  • To request from the Highest Personnel Selection Council (ASEP) for the inclusion of the Department of Agricultural Development, Agri-Food and Natural Resources Management in the codes 112 "University Level Food Science" and 132 "University Level Environmental Science".