Department's Quality Policy Declaration

Department's Quality Policy Declaration

The Department of Agricultural Development, Agri-Food and Natural Resources Management of the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens is committed to providing high-quality Higher Education and multi-level education to its students. This effort is based on the long historical path of the university, but also on the time-proven interdisciplinary approach to the subject it treats. The goal is the generation of knowledge and its application, through a Courses Program that integrates different educational and scientific concepts and starting points but ultimately has a positive impact on the modern economic and social environment. Quality assurance is an important component for strengthening the modern character of the department, stimulating interdisciplinarity, extroversion, cooperation and the achievement of higher academic and research achievements.

In order to implement this Quality Assurance Policy, the Department of Agricultural Development, Agri-Food and Natural Resources Management is committed on implementing quality procedures that ensure:

  • safeguarding of academic principles, academic and scientific freedom, ethics, prevention of discrimination
  • the development of a creative research and working environment as well as the creation of a culture of continuous improvement of the academic, research and administrative staff, as well as their students,
  • the Sustainable and Rational distribution of human resources and laboratory and technological infrastructures with the aim of continuous qualitative and efficient support of the academic function and educational everyday life
  • the suitability of the structure and organization of the curriculum the pursuit of learning outcomes and qualifications in accordance with the European and National Qualifications Framework for Higher Education
  • the promotion of the quality and effectiveness of the educational process
  • the qualifications of the teaching staff
  • the promotion of the quality and volume of the research work of the members of the academic unit, as well as the ways of linking teaching with research
  • the level of demand for graduates' acquired qualifications in the labor market
  • the quality of student support services such as administrative services, libraries and student welfare services
  • the implementation of the annual review and internal inspection of the quality assurance system of the undergraduate study program within the framework of the Quality Assurance Committee with the cooperation of OMEA and MODIP of the National & Kapodistrian University of Athens
  • the achievement of the Department's Quality Assurance objectives, which ensure the continuity, effectiveness and evaluation of the academic actions on a regural basis.

Quality Assurance is a systematic approach through which each Department and NKUA as a whole have the possibility to monitor and improve their academic activities on a continuous basis.

The results of the quality assurance procedures are evaluated in relation to four groups of criteria: (a) Educational Actions, (b) Research Actions, (c) Courses, and (d) Remaining Services.

Quality Assurance Bodies:

  • At department level and exclusively for the duration of the Internal Assessment, the Department Quality Assurance Committee (OMEA)ΟΜΕΑ).
  • At University level, the University Quality Assurance Unit
  • At External Evaluation level, the special External Evaluation Committee
  • At National Level, the independent Hellenic Authority of Higher Eductation.

More information is available at the site of Hellenic Authority of Higher Education..

Kατά την 31η συνεδρίαση του στις 24/07/2023, το Συμβούλιο Αξιολόγησης και Πιστοποίησης (ΣΑΠ) της Εθνική Αρχή Ανώτατης Εκπαίδευσης  (ΕΘΑΑΕ), έκανε δεκτή την Έκθεση της Επιτροπής  Πιστοποίησης, βάσει της οποίας το ΠΠΣ του Τμήματος συμμορφώνεται πλήρως με τις Αρχές του Προτύπου Ποιότητας Νέων ΠΠΣ σε Λειτουργία της ΕΘΑΑΕ και τις Αρχές Διασφάλισης Ποιότητας του Ευρωπαϊκού Χώρου Ανώτατης Εκπαίδευσης και αποφάσισε τη χορήγηση Πιστοποίησης στο ΠΠΣ του Τμήματος Αγροτικής Ανάπτυξης, Αγροδιατροφής και Διαχείρισης Φυσικών Πόρων, με διάρκεια ισχύος πέντε  ετών, από 24/07/2023 έως 23/07/2028.

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