In the context of providing educational and research services of high quality and taking into account the individual and collective needs of the members of the academic community and its students, the Department of Agricultural Development, Agri-Food and Natural Resources Management of the NKUA has the appropriate infrastructure for all its activities. The total hectare area of the Evripos Campus of NKUA is 204,000m2
The building facilities consist of 5 connected buildings with a total gross area of 24,430 m2.

Since 2019, there has been extensive maintenance and repair work on the buildings, ranging from changing the internal configuration to support the needs of the new departments to new electrical and electromechanical installations and coatings. Significant investment has been make on the radical restoration of the damp-insulation of the roof of all buildings and on the installation of more than 1450 reclining seats with fixed supports with which all the classrooms of the Euripos Campus of NKUA were upgraded.
To meet the educational needs of the departments hosted in Evripos Campus, 18 classrooms with modern audio-visual equipment are available, with a total capacity of 2,087 seats. In addition, the Evripos Campus has a Large Amphitheater with a capacity of 292 seats and a Small Amphitheater with a capacity of 70 seats.

Computer Laboratories
Για τις εκπαιδευτικές ανάγκες των τμημάτων του Συγκροτήματος Ευρίπου έχουν διαμορφωθεί 7 κοινόχρηστα εργαστήρια πληροφορικής προσφέροντας συνολικά 748 m2 και 274 θέσεις εργασίας. Εντός του σχεδιασμού για την επέκταση του τμήματος προβλέπεται η δημιουργία και εξειδικευμένων εργαστηρίων με έμφαση σε θέματα Γεωπληροφορικής, Γεωγραφικών Βάσεων Δεδομένων (GIS) και ανάλυσης Δορυφορικών (πολυφασματικών) εικόνων.

Educational Laboratories
To meet educational and laboratory needs, the Department of Agricultural Development, Agri-Food and Natural Resources Management has assigned 4 laboratory spaces (D206, D211, D213A, D213B) with a total area of 710m2. In addition, since Acadenic Year 2023-2024, it is expected to add laboratories D208 and D210, with a total area of 520m2 that currently serve the needs of the Mechanical Engineering Studies program of the General Department.
The following Research Laboratories are also temporarily hosted in the above laboratories:
- Laboratory of Physical & Chemical Measurements
- Laboratory of Food Analysis
- Laboratory of Biotechnology and Molecular Analysis
- Laboratory of water & soil quality control
In addition, the department collaborates with the following Research Laboratories:
- Energy and Environmental Research Laboratory (E2ReLab)
- Laboratory of Chemistry & Materials Technology
which belong to the General Department of NKUA, but their directors have moved and are now faculty members in the Agriculture Development, Agri-food and Natural Resources Management Department.
The Evripos Campus hosts a Library that belongs to the School of Agricultural Development, Nutrition and Sustainability.
For more information go to the website of the library.
Shared Building Facilities
Evripos Campus also hosts shared building facilities of a gross area of 8,450 m2:
- Administrative Offices
- Students Dorm
- Restaurant
- Canteen